2 Minecraft poems

Minecraft is a fun video game. here are some poems about Minecraft.

i cant doo anything

i cant doo spelin

i cant doo storee telin

i cant mak monee

i cant drink honee

i cant reed

i cant plant seed

i cant tak

i cant walk

i cant speek french

i cant dig a trench

i am very daft but

I’m the best at playing minecraft

What I did this summer

I didn’t climb trees

I didn’t go overseas

I didn’t ride horses

I didn’t Burn torches

I didn’t make bread

I didn’t talk to the dead

I didn’t read comics

I didn’t see sonic

I didn’t play with friends

I didn’t let my life end

I didn’t wear jeans

I didn’t eat beans

I didn’t play with darts

I didn’t smell farts

I might have gotten dummer because

I played Minecraft all summer

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1 Response

  1. Gramsby says:

    HEE HEE HEE! These poems amuse MEE!!

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